Statistics: March industrial production falls 5.7 percent on year


According to data provided by Statistics Estonia, in March 2024, the total production of industrial enterprises was down 5.7 percent compared with the same month last year.When it comes to Estonia’s three main industrial sectors, output increased slightly in mining (up 0.4 percent), but decreased by 6.5 percent in manufacturing and 4.4 percent in electricity production.

Helle Bunder, leading analyst at Statistics Estonia, said that the volume of industrial production1 in March declined in more than two thirds of Estonia’s manufacturing activities.

“Looking at the more significant industries, output in March decreased in the manufacture of wood (12.6 percent), fabricated metal products (7.3 percent), electrical equipment (20.6 percent), and computers and electronic products (7.7 percent).Among the larger industries, output grew in the manufacture of food products (4.3 percent), shale oil (10.3 percent), and building materials (5.4 percent),” said Bunder.

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