Riga Dialogue public discussion announced


The Latvian Institute of International Affairs (LIIA) has announced details of its annual Riga Dialogue public discussion.

This year’s event, is titled “Marking the 75th Anniversary of NATO: Quo Vadis?” adopting the ‘Quo Vadis’ [Where are you going?] phrase often used for geopolitical discussions ever since the first really important ‘Quo Vadis?’ was reputedly uttered two thousand years ago by Saint Peter when he saw Jesus up and about again after his crucifixion.

LIIA’s event will be held on May 30 from 16:00 to 17:30 at Hotel Bergs in Rīga as part of the annual Riga Dialogue series organized in collaboration with Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in the Baltic States.

If you can’t make it in person, the good news is we will have an English-language livestream for you right here on LSM on the day.

“Following the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine and escalating challenges in other regions, NATO has undergone significant transformation in recent years. This not only affects how each member state constructs its defense but also shapes the current and future risks and opportunities for the Alliance,” says advance publicity material.

Moderating the discussion will be former Defense Minister Imants Lieģis, now a Fellow at the Latvian Institute of International Affairs. His panel list will be Linas Linkevicius, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania; Lukasz Kulesa, Deputy Head of Research at the Polish Institute of International Affairs; Steven Andreasen, National Security Consultant to the Nuclear Threat Initiative; David Cadier, Assistant Professor of International Relations at the University of Groningen, Netherlands; and Helga Kalm, Director of the Lennart Meri Conference and Researcher at the International Centre for Defence and Security.

Join us on May 30 to watch the livestream.