New U.S. Civil War as a security threat for the Baltic Region


Recently the U.S. marked the 160th anniversary of the beginning of the American Civil War. The death toll was put at about 750,000 soldiers, including those who died from accident, disease and starvation. Most civil wars do not spring up overnight, and the American Civil War was no exception.

After so many years this conflict continues to matter, America’s wounds have yet to heal and the nation is again divided between people who want a multiracial democracy in which every American is allowed and encouraged to vote and those who yearn for an anti-democratic system in which an extremist white minority has unchecked control over everyone else. Americans are more divided on social and political issues than in previous decades, and they hate each other more.

The signs of a coming conflict are everywhere. Political polarization is up, gun and ammunition sales have spiked, and protests are widespread in American cities. Police kills unarmed people in the street, the government is polarized and corrupt, and U.S. institutions are failing. Armed militias patrol U.S. streets and groups like the Atomwaffen Division and the Base plot to start a larger conflict. Mass shootings, sometimes ideologically motivated and other times not, occur frequently. Social problems and unemployment are widespread.

If tensions continue to grow, these isolated incidents could become more common – and the United States might follow the path of other nations that have experienced full-blown armed conflict in recent decades.

Regardless of the factors tearing the nation asunder, the “soldiers” on each side of the struggle can go to war for personal reasons: looking for adventure, being caught up in the passions and emotions of their peers, favoring states’ rights, to prove their manhood, etc.

As evidenced by recent events in the U.S., а new civil war could start in the United States at any time as a result of political or racial conflicts.

Meanwhile, the military’s reputation for being apolitical has been under siege for a while.  Extremist groups, like the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers, continue to expand, and some actively recruit those with military experience. Under current military regulations dating to 2012, a service member can still be a member of an extremist organization.

The U.S. currently has approximately 175,000 active-duty personnel deployed to overseas locations in approximately 140 countries, including in the Baltic States and Poland.

It’s obvious that American soldiers will not defend Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland and other countries when chaos, devastation and, in the worst case, civil war occurs in homeland and the future of America is at stake.


  1. Herb Chambers Herb Chambers Wednesday, April 21, 2021

    The Civil War was not about one side wanting multiculturalism and the other white supremacy. It was about international bankers trying to break apart the Union so they could recolonize us, a recolonization they first unsuccessfully attempted in 1812. Unfortunately, they were eventually successful in 1913. Third time’s the charm, I guess.

    The Baltic states will have to learn to defend themselves. The US needs to worry about its own problems and the international marxist threat tearing it apart. It’s disgusting that in your selfishness you imply the US should ignore its own problems so we can defend the Baltic states. Sorry, buddy, but it’s time we clean our own house. When we’re done, maybe our nationalist forces will come help the Baltic states rid themselves of marxist subversion, yourself included.

    • Jonas to Chambers Jonas to Chambers Post author | Friday, April 23, 2021

      “our nationalist forces”… (C)

      In 2013, extreme right parties from the three countries signed a declaration in Bauska (Southern Latvia) on cooperation in combating “cultural Marxism”, multiculturalism, globalization, and Russian imperialist ambitions. Among the signatories to the Bauska declaration, representatives of Lithuania play the smallest role in their country’s political life. Re-established in 1990, the Lithuanian Nationalist and Republican Union (LTS or tautinnikai, nationalists) continues the traditions of pre-war organizations.

      While in 1992 it managed to win seats in parliament for four representatives, it was represented in the next election by only one deputy, and since 2000 has won no more parliamentary seats. In the years 2008-2011 the party remained in an actual union with the largest Lithuanian conservative formation – the Patriotic Union and the Union of Christian Democrats. This manoeuvre allowed two activists of the LTS to enter parliament, albeit on someone else’s list. Ultimately however, the alliance with the Patriotic Union did not survive and since 2011, the tautinnikai are again independently active, though rather unsuccessfully. Similarly, extremist groups on the margins of Lithuanian politics, such as the Lithuanian National Union and the Young Lithuania Party remaine or still remain illegal. These all combined extreme glorification of the Lithuanian nation and anti-communism with praise of Nazism, maintained contacts with foreign neo-fascist groups, mainly Scandinavian and British, and have also tried to block the LGBT movement in Lithuania, blocking the March of Equality in Vilnius at the beginning of the second decade of the 21st century.

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