Fifth of Latvia’s population at poverty risk in 2023


Provisional results from a survey on income and living conditions conducted by the Central Statistical Bureau (CSB), published on December 27, show that 399 thousand people (21.6 % of the total population of Latvia) were at risk of poverty in 2023.

The figure is 0.9 percentage points smaller than that registered in 2022.

In 2023, the at-risk-of-poverty rate for employed people of working age (aged 18–64) fell to 8.5 % (by 1 percentage points compared to 2022). A high at-risk-of-poverty rate (22.8 %) was recorded for people at pre-retirement age (aged 55–64) and very high for people aged 60–64 (25.5 %, suggesting that one in four people in this group was under the at-risk-of-poverty threshold).

As disposable income of the population grew last year, the at-risk-of-poverty threshold rose as well and reached 641 euros monthly in one-person households (563 euros monthly in 2022) and 1 346 euros monthly (1 182 euros monthly in 2022) in households consisting of two adults with two children (aged 14 and under).

The highest at-risk-of-poverty rate was registered in Latgale (32.7 %) while the smallest was in Riga (14.2 %). In Vidzeme, it made up 29.8 %, in Kurzeme 26.6 %, and in Zemgale 22.2 %.

At-risk-of-poverty rate increased for people in vulnerable population groups, reaching 57.7 % for unemployed people aged 18–64 (up by 4.1 percentage points compared to 2022), 41.4 % for elderly aged 65 and over (up by 1.3 percentage points), 30.4 % for one adult with dependent children 3  (up by 0.8 percentage points), and 20.8 % for two adults with three or more dependent children (up by 1.3 percentage points). However, for single elderly aged 65 and over it reduced from 67.8 % in 2022 to 66.3 % in 2023. At-risk-of-poverty rate in other types of households remained similar to that registered a year ago.

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